The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

Bobby & Jennifer Allison

Bobby and Jennifer currently have 6 children in the home and 3 children out of the home along with a daughter who isĀ  forever 14. They have opened their home and heart to 5 children through the foster care system. They recently adopted 3 of them and hope to adopt another soon. They are the birthparents and co-founders of Kehila Park. They attend Valley Life Church in Pauls Valley, OK.

With faith and family being at the core of everything they do, they believe God has been preparing them their whole lives through education,life experiences and their love for children, families and senior adults to create Kehila Park. They believe that by keeping Christ at the center of all the activities and endeavors of Kehila Park, it will flourish and truly represent what God intended it to be at it’s inception.

Mary Lou Shamel

Mary Lou Shamel is a birth parent and co-founder of Kehila Park. Mary Lou has dedicated her life, talent and treasure to caring for others. She has a deep passion for the safety and livelihood of children and senior adults. She would rather “invest in people, than possessions”. She has shown this virtue time and time again by the countless ways she has selflessly invested in the lives of all those around her. Her Godly generosity leads the way at Kehila Park!

At 93 years young she is a shining example of Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law.” Lovingly referred to as ‘Mama Lou’ by those closest to her. She is the ‘Grand’est Mom, Sister, Friend or Aunt you could wish for. She has spent her life passionately taking care of other people. If she is in pain or simply having a bad day, you will never know it.

Still to this day Mary Lou enjoys working in her flower garden. With her natural ability to pay attention to the smallest of details in her garden, she chooses to find the beauty and enjoyment in the small things in life.

Nearly 10 years ago She and Bobby Allison met at a church he pastored. According to her, she instanly decided that he would be hers. She adopted him in her heart and has been loving him as son ever since. Adoption is something you are never too old for!

Zac & Becca Stonecipher

We have 2 biological children in our home, our daughter is 9 and son is 7. In August 2014 we opened our hearts and home to a beautiful baby girl who is now 2, and latter welcomed her newborn brother who is now 1. We have been fostering for almost 3 years now. In that time we have had the pleasure of being home to 8 other wonderful children.

We believe that God has called our family to foster and although it isn’t always easy He always provides and uses us in amazing ways. Our belief that every child deserves a chance at a good life is what gives us our passion to help, not only the children but their families as well. We are so thankful that God has chosen our family to be a part of Kehila Park and we cannot wait to see all He has in store.

~Zac & Becca Stonecipher

The Stoneciphers were our 1st official family. This young couple said ‘yes’ to a pile of dirt and dared to dream with us as we worked to see God’s vision for Kehila Park realized. We have shared more than a few tears and laughter with this loving couple. Since joining our Community, they have had the privilege of being a part of the bridging process of 2 children, and provided respite care to several families. They are currently foster parents to 6 children ranging from 2 to 12.

Kelly & Tory Blackburn

Kelly and Tory Blackburn are our 2nd family. They have 4 biological children, and have fostered a sibling group of 2 (boy and girl). It is their deep desire to see all the children in their care ‘bridged’ back to their biological parents. They attend First United Methodist Church of Ardmore, OK. Kelly works at Forum Energy where he leads a men’s prayer group. Tory works for the United States Postal Service as a carrier and as a trainer.

We are blessed to have the Blackburn family in our Community! We met the Blackburns through our builder, Mark Winters of Cross Beam Construction. Kelly had called Mark to build on a room addition to their Davis home. They were fostering and needed more space. Mark told him he would be happy to add on, but that Kelly may want to visit with Kehila Park before doing so. And so the story goes…

Jeremy & Shanna Milligan

Jeremy and Shanna Milligan are our newest family. They have an adorable daughter Nya and have fostered a sibling group of 3 (two girls and a boy), and provided respite for 2 year old twins (boy and girl). Jeremy works in the IT Department at The Chickasaw Nation while, Shanna is now a full time mom.

Bobby and Jennifer met the Milligans at Valley Life Church in Pauls Valley, OK. As well as being one of the founding families of the church, Jeremy is in the praise and worship band and Shanna helps in the children’s department.